
Natur Boutique Digestion Artichoke Tea - 20 Sachets

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Health & Fitness magazine: “Need to cheer up an unhappy digestive system? Try Natur Boutique’s new artichoke tea…”

For centuries, artichokes have been consumed for their rich nutritional value, and our delicious tea, made from the flower heads of Vietnamese artichokes, is certified organic. This means that you can be assured that the tea's helping the environment as well as your tummy.

The artichokes we use are grown using traditional methods at high altitude in Vietnam. The altitude means that whilst artichokes can thrive, insects can't and so there's no need for any chemicals or pesticides. We also pay 30% above the market price for our artichokes to ensure the Vietnamese farmers always get a fair deal.

A scientific review has highlighted artichoke extracts could provide a natural alternative for those with IBS. The review looked at eight different alternative therapies for IBS. The reviewers referenced three separate artichoke studies:

  • In one study, of 208 IBS suffers, a reduction in IBS occurrence of 26.4% was observed, when using artichoke leaf extract, and a 20% improvement in the ‘quality of life score’ was reported.
  • In another, researchers looked at a naturally occurring chemical found in artichoke leaves, called cynaropicrin, and its potential antispasmodic benefits (an ability to help with smooth muscle spasms) in small intestine tissue.
  • Perhaps most significant was a study in which 96% of people taking artichoke leaf extract, in a group of 279 people, described it as equal to or better than their current treatments.


100% Organic Artichoke

Brewing Instructions

Use one tea bag per cup. Leave to brew for 3-4 minutes in freshly boiled water.


Pregnant and breast feeding women should seek advice from their doctors before using artichoke extracts. Store in a dry place.